4910-06-P DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Federal Railroad Administration [Docket No. FRA-2000-7257] Railroad Safety Advisory Committee; Charter Renewal AGENCY: Federal Railroad Administration (FRA), Department of Transportation (DOT). ACTION: Announcement of charter renewal of the Railroad Safety Advisory Committee (RSAC). SUMMARY: FRA announces the charter renewal of the RSAC, a Federal Advisory Committee established by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act to provide information, advice, and recommendations to the FRA Administrator on matters relating to railroad safety. This charter renewal will be effective for two years from the date it is filed with Congress. FOR FURTHER INFORMATION CONTACT: Kenton Kilgore, RSAC Designated Federal Officer/RSAC Coordinator, FRA Office of Railroad Safety, 202-493-6286. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION: This notice is provided in accordance with the Federal Advisory Committee Act (Pub. L. 92-463, 5 U.S.C. app. 2). RSAC comprises 51 representatives from 26 organizations, representing various rail industry perspectives. The diversity of the committee ensures the requisite range of views and expertise necessary to discharge its responsibilities. Please see RSAC website for additional information at https://rsac.fra.dot.gov/. Issued in Washington, DC. Amitabha Bose, Deputy Administrator. [FR Doc. 2021-25460 Filed: 11/22/2021 8:45 am; Publication Date: 11/23/2021]